Tuesday, March 4, 2008


so i know these days everyone (especially in NY) is about "going green." i was on my way to the airport the other day and realized that on average i am in a black towncar 3 times a week. as i was reading domino magazine i read about a perfect alternative called OZOcar. they use hybrid cars which use 70% less gas- mainly a prius or a lexus rx400. it's a brilliant idea- definitely one of those "i wish i thought of that" moments. since my company is "going green" as well...i'm definitely pitching this idea to our green 16 group tomorrow.

next time you have to go to the airport or anywhere else in the tri-state area, use OZOcar. you'll be one step closer to a cleaner, greener city. by the way, i heart the illustrations on the site especially the landing page.

1 comment:

janet said...

ooh! i took an ozocar to the airport once, and it was awesome. they're hooked up for wireless internet and have satellite radio--made the ride to jfk in traffic a breeze. it was also my very first time in a prius. *smiles*