Friday, April 11, 2008

i heart {the wire}

in order to explain my excuse of not writing for the last couple of weeks- all i can say is {the wire}. i have just finished the fourth season and now i have to wait until the fifth season comes out. despite my hesitation at first, this show has truly embodied my highest entertainment expectation. The heart and soul that comes out of David Simon’s writing is inspiring- to the point that i want to drive down to east/west baltimore and pick up every struggling corner kid. each season takes you through a different view of baltimore- corruption within the police force and drug wars; working class and the shipping yards; political corruption; educational system. the last season is about the media...i'm so excited to watch. unfortunately, i have to wait until august. maybe someone will decide to release it early. for those who have not tapped into definitely should. the dialogue and character affinities they create- you won't be able to view primetime tv the way you did before.

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